Friday, January 15, 2010

Queen of the Rednecks- Part 1

I have entitled myself, "Queen of the Rednecks", for many reasons. One of them is on page left- those are Catfish heads hanging from a fence. A fence that is on the front portion of my parent's property where you can see them on display when you pull into the circle driveway. I don't know why they are there... it's not to scare other Catfish away since we do not live on a lake and I doubt we'll find any strolling about the front yard. This is just one of the many odd things that go on around here. A phrase that I often say is "I wish life had background music." In this instance, I think "Dueling Banjos" would be appropriate.
I'm the daughter of a famous Bass fishing outfitter and retired pro-fisherman. No one outside of the fishing world would know that because why would you watch the Outdoor Channel or read the sports section of the paper if you don't like outdoor sports? My great uncles, Jester and Cotton Layfield, invented "The Big Joe Spinner" which is endorsed by my cousin John Bradshaw Layfield of the WWE. I actually live across the street from my late uncle's widow. She's 96 years old and still works in her flower beds with a cigarette hanging out of her mouth. Every time I have gone over there I leave with something- a picture, candy dish, etc. My late cousin, Joe Layfield, used to ride around town with a boat motor attached to his tail gate smoking a cigarette with his oxygen mask on and the tank sitting next to him on the bench seat. Think about that for a minute... My family is only one part of the equasion eventhough my cousin Vikki did marry a man who eventually was put on death row- you now know him as the first man to be scanned layer by layer into a computer for Cancer research after his execution.

Visit again to read the rest of this blog.

My Favorite Websites- other than the usual...

Okay, I haven't written much lately... not that I don't have anything to write about but it's just hard to make myself sit down long enough to put pen to paper so to speak. It's ironic because I work online all day 5 days a week. I complain about being bored when in reality I could just occupy myself by writing on this blog or on some of my other projects. I'm just going to blame it on my ADHD...

Now- to the point... I thought I would share some of my favorite websites other than Myspace or Facebook. These are in no particular order. I love them all equally... so don't get jealous guys.
If you don't know the meaning of a word that might not appear in your average dictionary... I recommend this site. I use it ALL THE TIME.

Love vintage? Browse here.
FREE Radio! You type in an artist and it will make a station featuring the artist plus similar ones for variety. LOVE IT!
One day...
The best place to find styling tools, hair care products, and funky hair decor. I love my hot pink clip-ins!
One of my fav authors... sometimes I need a break from vampires and strong sexual content. I always find myself inspired and happy after reading one of her books.
I like to know the meaning and history behind a lot of flowers. When I send them I want to make sure they have an extra special message.
This is the best website I have found for advice on writing. Nicholas Sparks gives you a realistic in depth view of what it takes to be a writer. At one point he downloaded his own outline from "The Notebook" to give an example. I love this guy!
If you love art and writing! This place is for you! Want unique art or to sell some of your own? I have made a lot of friends and gotten a lot of feedback from this site. You don't have to be an artist to join.

If someone actually reads this... I hope you enjoy the sites!